
Sub category column

Sub category column

Similar product tab, Go to page or static block: click Show/hide editor button and choose Insert Widget=> Widget sub category thumb

  • Title : insert text with the title desired, leave the field empty if you do not want the title displayed.
  • Description : Short descrition display after title.
  • Background :Background of this module.

  • Categories: Select category that you want to display.
  • Show level: Select sub category level that you want to show.
  • Tab position: Vertical or hozital tab.
  • Show Product Count: Show or hide product count.
  • Show Category Image: Select type of image that you want to show: Image category or Thumb image.
  • Show Category Image Type: Show image as hozital or vertical.
  • Enable Owl: Enable or disable owl.
  • Sub category column
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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