You can add this item to website in 2 ways:
Attributes | Description |
Image |
Select image from Media Library instead of an icon |
Title |
Feature Box title |
Content |
Feature Box content text |
Background color |
Use color name, hex or rgba, e.g.: grey, #626262 or rgba(98, 98, 98, 1) |
Link | Link |
Link (with http://) |
Link | Target |
Link target - _self default, _blank new tab or window, lightbox image or embed video |
Advanced | Animation |
Choose entrance animation on scroll or leave not animated |
Custom | CSS classes |
Type your own class for the item - this is a useful option for those who want to create a special style. For example: you can type my-class-big-font class and then go to BeTheme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS and write your own styles for this class: |
Examples of use:
Pre-built website: | Link: |
Eco2 | See in action |