Introducing The Divi Theme Builder

The Divi Theme Builder is a fully-featured website templating system that allows you to use the Divi Builder to structure your website and edit any part of the Divi Theme including headers, footers, post templates, category templates and more. Each Theme Builder template consists of a custom Header, Footer and Body layout. These three areas can be built and customized using the Divi Builder and its full set of modules along with Dynamic Content.

Nothing Is Off Limits

When you create a new Theme Builder template, that custom design can be assigned to specific parts of your website. For example, you could create a template assigned to blog posts and use it to create a new custom structure and design for your blog. Once the template is assigned, every blog post on your website will be updated. You could create a new Theme Builder template and assign it to your category pages to create a custom blog feed, or you could create a global website template that updates your entire website’s header and footer. There are tons of new possibilities.

Fine Tuned Control

Theme Builder templates can be used to customize any individual part of your website by either assigning or excluding each template from different locations. Using assignments and exclusions gives you fined-tuned control over your website’s design. You can target large areas of your website such as entire post types and archives, or you can target specific locations like individual posts, pages and categories. Each can have its own custom header, footer and body layout.

Import & Export Theme Builder Packs

Theme Builder templates can also be imported and exported, including all header, footer and body layouts. Theme Builder exports are essentially “website packs.” Think of them like Divi Layout Packs, except for your overall website structure instead of individual page designs. Theme Builder packs remove the need for child themes and allow you to create pre-built theme templates that can be used on any website.

Custom Headers And Footers

Using the Theme Builder you can create custom headers and footers for any part of your website. You are no longer limited to Divi’s standard header but instead are given full control over your website’s header using the Divi Builder and its many modules. This update also comes with improvements to the Divi menu module, giving you more layout options, more control over its elements and of course full control over its design. You can create a global website header that affects your entire website and you can create custom headers and footers for any individual part your website too. Check out some custom headers we created to give you some inspiration!

Site-Wide Post & Product Templates

The Theme Builder also allows you to create custom body templates that change the default structure of your posts, products or any other post type across your website. Instead of editing each post and product individually, you can use the Theme Builder to create a site-wide template. Dynamic content can be assigned to Divi modules within these templates to showcase the current post’s information, such as its title, content and featured image anywhere within your custom design, and you can use Divi’s WooCommerce Modules to create completely custom product templates. Edit them once and see your entire website change instantly. Check out some custom product templates we created to give you some inspiration!

Custom Category Pages

The Theme Builder can also be used to create custom index page designs, including custom category feeds. You now have complete control over your website’s category designs and you can use the Divi blog module and its many design settings to customize those post feeds. The blog module also comes with some upgrades, including new post loop and post filtering options that give you even more control over your category templates. Check out some custom category templates we created to give you some inspiration!

...And Everything Else Too!

You can do more than just create category templates and post templates with the Theme Builder. You can create custom templates for absolutely anything. Search results, archives, tags, homepages, 404 pages and more. Using conditional logic, multiple parts of your website can be both included or excluded from each Theme Builder template. You have complete control. The beauty of the Theme Builder is that you aren’t restricted to using the Divi Theme’s basic structure but instead can create that structure yourself. Check out some custom 404 page templates we created to give you some inspiration!

The Enhanced Power Of Dynamic Content

The Divi Theme Builder isn’t just a powerful tool in its own right, it also augments some of Divi’s most important features. When editing Theme Builder templates, Divi’s Dynamic Content feature takes on a whole new meaning. Dynamic Content is what allows site-wide Theme Builder templates to function, dynamically pulling individual post content and applying it to the template you assigned to that post type. Since Dynamic Content can be used inside of the content areas of any module, you are free to use the full set of Divi modules to design your post templates.

For example, you could create a blog post template and use the Fullwidth Header module at the top of the post. The post title could be used as Dynamic Content within the module title and the post’s featured image could be used as the module’s background. Once this Theme Builder template is applied to your blog posts, all of your posts would assume this new structure and the post’s content would be displayed automatically!

Dynamic Content’s usefulness extends further than post templates. You can use Dynamic Content to display your website’s title or logo in a header template, to display a category title on a category page and more. When you make a Theme Builder template dynamic, it just works!

WooCommerce Modules Are Better Than Ever

When used inside of a Theme Builder template, WooCommerce modules take on a whole new meaning. Instead of designing your product pages one by one, you can now create a site-wide product template. A single product template controls the design of all your product pages at once!

When you create a site-wide product template using the Theme Builder, there is no need to customize your individual product pages. Simply input the product information, such as its price, description and images into the appropriate WooCommerce inputs and your product template will be populated automatically.

Site-Wide Design Control + Site-Wide Theme Building

When combined with Global Defaults, the Divi Theme Builder creates the perfect combination of site-wide design editing and site-wide template structuring. Using the Theme Builder, you can customize the structure of your entire website at once. While editing Theme Builder templates, you can also access the Global Defaults editor to customize your entire website’s design too. It’s amazing just how efficient building websites becomes when you take full advantage of these two features.

Theme Builder Demo #1

In this Divi 4.0 demo, we re-built the Elegant Themes website using Divi and the new Theme Builder. This theme builder pack includes a custom Header & Footer, Product Template, Blog Post Template, Category Template and 404 Page Templates. Stay tuned to the blog over the next week because we will be giving away one of these free theme builder packs every day for the next six days!

Theme Builder Demo #2!

This theme builder pack includes a custom Header & Footer, Product Template, Blog Post Template, Category Template and 404 Page Templates. Stay tuned to the blog over the next week because we will be giving away one of these free theme builder packs every day for the next six days!

Theme Builder Demo #3

This theme builder pack includes a custom Header & Footer, Product Template, Blog Post Template, Category Template and 404 Page Templates. Stay tuned to the blog over the next week because we will be giving away one of these free theme builder packs every day for the next six days!

Theme Builder Demo #4

This theme builder pack includes a custom Header & Footer, Product Template, Blog Post Template, Category Template and 404 Page Templates. Stay tuned to the blog over the next week because we will be giving away one of these free theme builder packs every day for the next six days!

Theme Builder Demo #5

This theme builder pack includes a custom Header & Footer, Product Template, Blog Post Template, Category Template and 404 Page Templates. Stay tuned to the blog over the next week because we will be giving away one of these free theme builder packs every day for the next six days!

Theme Builder Demo #6

This theme builder pack includes a custom Header & Footer, Product Template, Blog Post Template, Category Template and 404 Page Templates. Stay tuned to the blog over the next week because we will be giving away one of these free theme builder packs every day for the next six days!