Easily Apply Color Filters, Effects
And Blend Modules To Any Element
Now you have even more control over the appearance of every element on your page thanks to our new collection of filters, effects and blend modes.
We want to provide designers the tools they need to be creative on the web, and that means giving you the power to make visual adjustments of any kind with the click of the mouse, right from inside your browser. We want people to be able to jump inside of Divi and start their ideation process, to take a blank canvas and mold and massage it into something wonderful. That’s why we are excited to announce a full range of color filters, effects and blend modes for the Divi Builder that can be applied to any image and all Divi modules, rows and sections.
Check Out The New Filters & Effects In Action
The Brand New Filters And Effects
A new options group and a collection of new custom controls have been added to all Divi modules, rows and sections that make it easy to make color adjustments, apply stylistic effects and blend elements together on the page.
The New Filters Interface
All Divi modules, rows and sections now have a new Filters option group complete with a new set of custom controls that allow you to adjust colors, apply effects and designate blending modes for any element on the page. These controls have also been added to all module images.
Adjust Colors & Stylize Your Page
Everything inside of Divi now has Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast, Invert, Blur, Opacity and Sepia controls that allow you to quickly adjust the appearance of any element. These new features are the perfect way for anyone to bring their unique flare to the page, and the collection of controls really lend themselves to experimentation and exploration. Even if you don’t end up using these filters on your completed page, they are a great way to make sweeping adjustments as you explore new possibilities for your design.
Get Creative With Your Images
Every Divi module that contains images now has unique color filter controls for each individual image, which means you can apply color effects to images without affecting the rest of the module. Color filters are especially useful for images, allowing you to apply Instagram-like styles with ease. Now you can take any image and stylize it match your design.
Add Stunning New Effects
In addition to color filters, we have also added Blur and Opacity controls. Now you can create stunning depth-of-field effects that really bring your page to life without needing to open Photoshop or compromise the integrity of your original image. No need to use super-big transparent PNG images that take forever to load.
Create Layered Styles Using Blend Modes
In addition to color filters and effects, you can also apply blend modules to any Divi element. A whole new range of effects can now be accomplished by blending layered elements, such as columns, rows and sections in creative ways. When combined with filters, the possibilities are countless.
Coming Soon: Custom Hover State Designs
The filters themselves are not the whole story, and one of the main reasons that we are adding these new options is in preparation for an amazing upcoming Dvi feature that will allow you to customize the hover state of every single design options in the Divi Builder, giving you the ability to create stunning color transformations and effect transitions on hover. It’s an extremely useful update made all the more powerful by filters, and it’s something you can look forward too very soon.
10 Stunning Examples Of
Filters, Effects & Blend Modes
There are all kinds of new effects that can be accomplished using these new options. Just take a look at some of the amazing designs our team was able to create!
Example One
Example Two
Example Three
Example Four
Example Five
Example Six
Example Seven
Example Eight
Example Nine
Example Ten
The new color filters, effects and blend modes are available today, so download Divi and take them for a spin. Let us know what you think in the comments and don’t forget to check back next week for even more great Divi features coming your way.